Monday, March 15, 2010



I am a public health worker in Nepal. I am basically affiliated to
child health program in Nepal. Mainly Community Based IMCI and
Community Based Neonatal care package. I have been affiliated to
Nepal Government for three year as Health Assistant(
clinical/paramedical), ADRA Nepal in RH coordinator, CARE
international as Project Officer, International Org. for Migration
(IOM) Data Management Assistant.

I have been involved in research in child health, HIV and maternal
health in Nepal. Apart from that based on my responsibility, I am
supposed to provided technical assistant to District Health Office,
and NGOs in our working area.

Currently I am doing Master of Public Health in Australia with major in Epidemiology and Biostatistics. I am also a graduate in Public Health and Masters in Sociology.
Geographically, I am from western part of Nepal ( Nearby LUMBINI, the
birth place of lord Budhha) , I am Aryan/Asian by ethnicity.

As, I was prmarily involved in child and maternal health during my carrier, I am really interested in increasing my horizon of knowledge and understanding on the HIV and AIDS related issue.

In HIV and AIDS my area of interest includes:
- HIV in vulnerable groups ( Migrants, Housewife and new borns: in context and requirement of my country)
- World successful public health model of pramming in these issues.


  1. Hi Vishnu! So great to hear about your excellent background. You have a lot of technical expertise! It will be great for you to share with others your experience during the course. Also, interesting that you are from where Budhha was born!
    Looking forward to learn more about your work :) Alex

  2. Hi Alex and All,
    I will feel my self lucky if I could be any use during share our work.
    Please inform me.

  3. I am so proud to read that all!!! It so great to have you in this course with all you experience and knowledge. Thank you for being on board and please, share you knowledge with us as much as you can!

    malika atasheva

  4. hello!
    Really nice , great information you got there , you sounds really expert in this, looking forward to learn more from you:).

  5. That level of experience and understanding.

    Its going to be an eye opener for the duration of this course as we will be sharing and extracting some mindfull advice from you.

