Monday, April 19, 2010

Assignment Submission: Campaign on Zero Tolerance of Discrimination against HIV and AIDS

General Objective
Build a society with an equal respect of all the human beings irrespective of their disease condition and status to contribute a peaceful and healthy society.

Specific Objectives
At the end of 2011, with respect to HIV status;
-Declare and display targeted central level public hospital, and perpheral health care centers zero disricimination area
-Enforce targeted service centers to treat equally during recruitment and serving the clients

At the end of 2011, there will be
-2 Central Hospitals declared zero discrimination area
-10 Illaka Level Health Post and 10 VDC Level subhealth post of one target district declared zero discrimination area
-Zero cases of discrimination with respect to HIV status in job opportunities in recruiting and selection process in the targeted district
-Zero cases of discrimination( as of reported in media or admin.body ) of public services ( at the government service centres: hospitals, public health office, local development office, adminstration office at district level) with respect to HIV status

-Political commitment
-Administrative commitment
-Mobilize social, political and religious leaders
-Create healthy pressure through media campaign
-Ensure visibility of zero tolerance of discrimination against HIV status
-Linking existing structure of GON and civil societies to ensure sustainability of program ( ART, PMTCT, VCT and RH/STI programs)
-Involvement of the concerned groups in program planning, implementation and monitoring
-Focus on young people through school based child clubs and community based child clubs
-Linking child clubs with Paralegal committees of VDCs for scaling up at national level

Focus areas :
-Social structure: utilize the existing structure
-Education: link with existing education system
- Health Infrastructure: utilize the existing structure
- Income and Basic need fulfillment opportunity
- PLHA's right to be free from violence : existing laws

-Constitution of Nepal
-HIV/AIDS policy of Nepal
-Local governance and municipality acts for taking activities at local level to born resources locally
-Grant guidelines at DDC and VDC level to design and implement local level small and low cost activities
-More than dozens of FMs and National Newspapers
-Equity and access project and social mobilization focus by Ministry of Health of Nepal and its district health/public health offices


  1. Vishnu, great work. Your objectives that you have set are pretty big. I think working on anti-discrimination for PLHIV accessing health care is very important. I am worried that you may not achieve what you want to as your goal is very big. What about starting with one hospital and seeing how this works? I don't want to discourage you and your commitment, but I want to advise you to be practical and realistic with what resources you have. Keep up the great work!

  2. Also, you may want to check out Anthony's blog as he has a similar focus for his action plan.

  3. Hahahah! President Paul Biya of Cameroon would describe your plans as 'GRAND AMBITION'. Really its a greater ambition you have Vishnu. I started same as you until Ahmed, Kuda and Tuan advised me to scale down.Really, you need to scale down else you would not have enough resources to reach your goals. Even if the resources are there, Monitoring and evaluation maybe difficult especially as you have not had much Project management experience.
    I will advice you start with one town.

    I must confess your ambitions portray your leadership qualities. Keep up and be the great leader you were meant to be!

  4. HI all,
    Thank you all for inputs
    I really appreaciate your suggestions and inputs.
    I have made changes accordinly after critically thinking on it.
    I couldnot reach action plan of other colleagues (except one). I think I not good at blog hehe!!!!! if all have posted?
