Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Monitoring and Evaluation of Action Plan: Assignment Submission

Details of Monitoring frame : Assignment

Objective 1 :
At the end of 2011, with respect to HIV status; Declare and display targeted central level public hospital, and peripheral health care centers zero discrimination area

Target Audience for action:
Hospital Administration (Primary)
Media and General Public (Secondary)

Objective level target 1 :
At the end of 2011, there will be
-2 Central Hospitals declared zero discrimination area


Activity 1:
Hold meeting with Chief of DPHO
No. of meetings held
Activity Level Targets:
Five meeting held in DPHO regarding the issue
Data Source:
Meeting minute

Activity Two:
Hold orientation program for management committee members
No. of management committee members reached through orientation program
Activity Level Targets:
40(20*2) Hospital management committee members participated in orientation program
Data Source:
Participants attendance sheet

Activity 3:
Build consensus and make sign the hospital law for zero discrimination commitment
Signed document on Zero discrimination policy
Activity Level Targets:
Zero discrimination policy signed
Data Source:
Policy document

Activity 4:
Involve media to create positive pressure
Meeting minutes
Activity Level Targets:
Media persons consistently present in meeting
Data Source:
Meeting minute

Activity 5:
Provide short training to unit head of the hospitals
No. of unit heads reached
Activity Level Targets:
10 unit heads of two hospitals (5*2) will get short training on enforcing the policy on zero discrimination
Data Source:
Hospital observation note
Monitoring timeline:
Each months report reflect the progress

Objective level target 2 :
At the end of 2011, there will be
-10 Illaka Level Health Post and 10 VDC Level subhealth post of one target district declared zero discrimination area

Target Audience for action:
District Public Health Office Staffs (Primary)
Health Facility Level Staffs (Primary)Media and General Public (Secondary)

Hold meeting with Chief of DPHO
No. of meetings held
Activity Level Targets:
Five meeting held in DPHO regarding the issue
Data Source:
Meeting minute

Hold meetings with targeted HP and SHP in charges
No. of meeting held with HP and SHP in charges
Activity Level Targets:
Three meetings held with in charges with leadership from DPHO
Data Source:
Meeting minute


Conduct an orientation program for representatives of DPHO and HP and SHP staffs
No. of participants received orientation
Activity Level Targets:
20 Participants received the orientation program
Data Source:
Orientation log book and participant attendance sheet

Signing and circulate the policy by DPHO
Signed document
Activity Level Targets:
Policy of DPHO singed and circulated to targeted 20 health facility
Data Source:
DPHOs record and cc copy to the implementing agency

Display sings of Zero discrimination areas
No. of health Facility displaying signs
Activity Level Targets:
20 Health facility display the Zero discrimination sings for visibility
Data Source:
Observation note in signs

Activity6:(Cross cutting with Objective 1:Activity 4. Single resource will be used):
Create positive pressure through media orientation on reporting the discrimination related issue at health facilities
No. of media personnel oriented
Activity Level Targets:
20 Local and national media will participate in orientation program
Data Source:
Orientation log book and attendance sheet

Monitoring timeline:
Each months report reflect the progress

Evaluation Plan:

1.Midterm evaluation at June,2011.
2. Final Evaluation on Janary,2010 after completion of the activities at December,2011.

Note for Mentors and Colleagues:
I have dropped my objective no.3 &4 of my action plan. Please understand accordingly.


Key Message:

1. Welcome Love, Care and Support
Waive Bye Bye to Discrimination

2.Curse is discrimination not HIV

3. Discrimination is Punishable;Don't become a criminal

4. God treats equally, so shall we

5. Equal treatment, right of everyone,

(See Key IEC signs in next Blog)


  1. i like the advocacy messages they are really strong ang catching as well hence reinforces a sense of public awareness about the protection of PLHIV by the state

  2. Focusing on discrimination against PLWHIV is a good angle for advocacy, keep on! I much appreciate the fact you scaled down your target to 2 hospitals. that will make M$E very easy.
    Do you plan to work with Public or Private hospitals. They have different chains of management especially when it comes to decision making. In Cameroon, there is the need for a ministerial order before any the decision it taken. In such cases, the advocacy actions need to start from above that from below.
