Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Key Communication Signs to Use in Premises of Health Facilities

Monitoring and Evaluation of Action Plan: Assignment Submission

Details of Monitoring frame : Assignment

Objective 1 :
At the end of 2011, with respect to HIV status; Declare and display targeted central level public hospital, and peripheral health care centers zero discrimination area

Target Audience for action:
Hospital Administration (Primary)
Media and General Public (Secondary)

Objective level target 1 :
At the end of 2011, there will be
-2 Central Hospitals declared zero discrimination area


Activity 1:
Hold meeting with Chief of DPHO
No. of meetings held
Activity Level Targets:
Five meeting held in DPHO regarding the issue
Data Source:
Meeting minute

Activity Two:
Hold orientation program for management committee members
No. of management committee members reached through orientation program
Activity Level Targets:
40(20*2) Hospital management committee members participated in orientation program
Data Source:
Participants attendance sheet

Activity 3:
Build consensus and make sign the hospital law for zero discrimination commitment
Signed document on Zero discrimination policy
Activity Level Targets:
Zero discrimination policy signed
Data Source:
Policy document

Activity 4:
Involve media to create positive pressure
Meeting minutes
Activity Level Targets:
Media persons consistently present in meeting
Data Source:
Meeting minute

Activity 5:
Provide short training to unit head of the hospitals
No. of unit heads reached
Activity Level Targets:
10 unit heads of two hospitals (5*2) will get short training on enforcing the policy on zero discrimination
Data Source:
Hospital observation note
Monitoring timeline:
Each months report reflect the progress

Objective level target 2 :
At the end of 2011, there will be
-10 Illaka Level Health Post and 10 VDC Level subhealth post of one target district declared zero discrimination area

Target Audience for action:
District Public Health Office Staffs (Primary)
Health Facility Level Staffs (Primary)Media and General Public (Secondary)

Hold meeting with Chief of DPHO
No. of meetings held
Activity Level Targets:
Five meeting held in DPHO regarding the issue
Data Source:
Meeting minute

Hold meetings with targeted HP and SHP in charges
No. of meeting held with HP and SHP in charges
Activity Level Targets:
Three meetings held with in charges with leadership from DPHO
Data Source:
Meeting minute


Conduct an orientation program for representatives of DPHO and HP and SHP staffs
No. of participants received orientation
Activity Level Targets:
20 Participants received the orientation program
Data Source:
Orientation log book and participant attendance sheet

Signing and circulate the policy by DPHO
Signed document
Activity Level Targets:
Policy of DPHO singed and circulated to targeted 20 health facility
Data Source:
DPHOs record and cc copy to the implementing agency

Display sings of Zero discrimination areas
No. of health Facility displaying signs
Activity Level Targets:
20 Health facility display the Zero discrimination sings for visibility
Data Source:
Observation note in signs

Activity6:(Cross cutting with Objective 1:Activity 4. Single resource will be used):
Create positive pressure through media orientation on reporting the discrimination related issue at health facilities
No. of media personnel oriented
Activity Level Targets:
20 Local and national media will participate in orientation program
Data Source:
Orientation log book and attendance sheet

Monitoring timeline:
Each months report reflect the progress

Evaluation Plan:

1.Midterm evaluation at June,2011.
2. Final Evaluation on Janary,2010 after completion of the activities at December,2011.

Note for Mentors and Colleagues:
I have dropped my objective no.3 &4 of my action plan. Please understand accordingly.


Key Message:

1. Welcome Love, Care and Support
Waive Bye Bye to Discrimination

2.Curse is discrimination not HIV

3. Discrimination is Punishable;Don't become a criminal

4. God treats equally, so shall we

5. Equal treatment, right of everyone,

(See Key IEC signs in next Blog)